Fit for Golf

Fit for Golf

Golf: The Life Long Sport

Enjoying the wonderful game of golf can be experienced by all ages. Recreational and competitive golfers alike need to have adequate mobility in their hips, thoracic spine and shoulders along with speed and timing to create a powerful swing that can be replicated. The more cross training applied to the main sport will has a positive correlation to lower scores and more fun.

Any experience with rotational sports such as baseball/softball, hockey, tennis, pickleball, soccer or cricket will help improve timing and speed while strength training will improve mobility and speed. As always, exercises like running, biking, swimming, hiking and yoga set the foundation of general fitness and cardiovascular health.

The benefits through strength training for golf will have the most benefit due to the specificity of the exercises performed during the sessions. All workouts should include mobility and stretching targeted for the hips, torso and shoulders and strengthening of the legs, core and shoulders. The golf swing is a very dynamic movement that happens very quickly for many repetitions during a round of golf or practice. The body needs to be as resilient as possible to prevent injury and increase performance.

Playing the game of golf can be experienced into your later years by applying many of the strategies above. If you or someone you know would like assistance to improve their body and/or golf game, please schedule a strategy session or reach out directly to 



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